
Hello fellow readers. here we meet again!

Encouraged by my friends and family, I decided to run a blog again.

Also, I recently read a book that changed a lot my perspective on a lot of things… one of the conclusions in there, was that we live in a “Publish, then filter” era…. So here I am publishing, then filtering.

I am a perfectionist by definition, so blogging for me was always a pain in the a** because I had to check my grammar, make sure everything was written wisely and so on.

This time, we make things differently.

Let me introduce this space to you:

This blog will be my space for sharing my thoughts, opinions, perspectives, and everything that matters to me. I have a lot of thoughts and as one of my favorite quotes goes:

“I made a discovery and I want to pass it into the world” – from a former Bauhaus supporter, I want to pass into the world, my perspectives on how I see things.

You don’t have to agree, on the contrary, the debate is my favorite language, but you must be polite and sensitive to other’s feelings, or you are welcome to fuck off. Cyberspace is infinite, go find something better for you.

I am going to talk about my life mainly, analyzing different situations, what I read, what I think and so on.

Boring huh?

But bear with me, you might be surprised.

little intro

First things first, My name is Ioana or Cassandra, depending on the day and country. I prefer the second name, but it doesn’t matter if you can pronounce the first correctly.

Currently, I am doing a Masters degree at my dream university, Politecnico Di Milano, in Design & Engineering. Emphasis on the &, cause I am doing both, a strange combination of mechanical engineering, industrial design, art, philosophy and everything in between.

What do I care about?

The world. I am obsessed with social behaviours, philosophy in social contexts, the mathematical world and its magic, design design design, art art art and other things sometimes.

I find interesting things every day and I mostly feel like a child in a world of knowledge, and I don’t know where to start. I want to know everything.

But now I must focus on my studies, so I can pass the exams happily. So my focus area is limited to my field of study.

Bullshit, I just started a book on Semiotics. I will study it next year, but wow that opened new horizons in my thinking.

Before I was doing this Masters, I was HAPPILY living in Copenhagen, just like the other 1.3 happy people living there.

I did a lot of things there… did a bachelor’s in service management (where I learned a lot of economics and cultures)… I worked different jobs and opened a few companies, some were successful, and some never crossed the start-up stage. I learned a lot from everything I did, and all that knowledge now helps me tremendously in my daily life.

Some may call me, an old soul in a young body. I don’t know. I think my soul is very young as well, childish at times, but I am an empath.  So maybe that is why people perceive me as understanding, when in fact I feel for the entire world. Not by choice, but by being born like this. Gay and emphatic.

I will make a lot of fun of myself, and of you as well, this is a place for self-irony, sarcasm, and satire.

Lately, I am also falling in love with words and how we use them, so I will try to make word games, insinuations and other things that might not work, so do not ask me to explain what I meant. We could discuss it, but I won’t guide it.

Let’s adventure.

A world of possibilities

Navigating life’s intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey.

Create anything

Navigating life’s intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey.

What people are saying

Tom S.

“Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze.”

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Liz S.

“Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze.”

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Mike A.

“Starting my role as a WordPress administrator has been a joy, thanks to its intuitive interface, media management, security, and plugin integration, making website management a breeze.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.
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From the blog

From the blog

From the blog

Navigating life’s intricate fabric, choices unfold paths to the extraordinary, demanding creativity, curiosity, and courage for a truly fulfilling journey.

Copenhagen & Milano